Peridot, Carnelian, Lapis & Bead Fair Report
17th July 2021
See us tomorrow, Sunday 18th July in the Best Western George Hotel, Norwich NR2 2DA, at the Norwich Bead Fair Free Entry & Refreshments 11am to 4pm.
See all our shows at 2021 Bead Fairs
The New MrBead Shop:
Cornish & Lynhurst Bead Fair Reports
Mr & Mrs Bead’s Cornish Break
Peridot For August
Peridot & Pearl Necklace
Carnelian For August
Lapis Lazuli Beads
Bead Fairs Confirmed On
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15% Off All From MrBead
Enjoy the new shop with 15% off anything with no minimum order. This is £15 off £100 worth of beads – the more you spend: the more you save! Only once per customer.
Shipping is free too on UK orders over £30 – under this UK P&P is just £2.50. International shipping from £5.
Can only be used at the NEW shop & not with any other coupon. To get the discount Key LAPIS at checkout now, as offer ends Friday 23rd July 2021. Use at
Cornish & Lynhurst Bead Fairs
These were our 4th and 5th shows since the recent lockdown, all all were good. A little less visitors, but each spending more than before. However, numbers are gradually returning. For visitor’s protection all shows are socially distanced with masks, wider aisles and exhibiters’ more spread out.
Cornish Probus Bead FairThis was our best so far in Cornwall. Lots of visitors and sales – we had a bumper time. And fun spending a few days in Cornwall after, despite the rain. We love it in Devon & Cornwall!
See us back in Cornwall soon, on Sunday 1st August at the Cornish Bead Fair Wadebridge
Lynhurst Gem n Bead FairTiny hall in a beautiful village at the entre of the New Forest Park. We setup in a real rush on the day – just 1 1/2-hours with the help of the Gem n Bead team.
The Saturday was brilliant: many buyers filling the baskets to the brim. However, only a trickle calling on the Sunday – this should have been a 1-day show.Our first time in the New Forest (actually 1,000-years old). With ponies and cows wondering everywhere outside the village – just like India. Fantastic rural pubs with home-made food and great real ales. We’ll be back.
Click to see a short video of the show on MrBead Facebook page.
Mr & Mrs Bead’s Cornish Break
Rather than rush the 10-hours back to Norwich, we stayed down West between Probus and Lyndhust Bead Fairs. Four days break in Cornwall. A mixture of B&B and camping. I love the open air, especially BBQs, but it did rain. Like boating, camping’s either thrilling or harsh, depending on the weather! This is the problem in the UK.
However, we have a ‘Quick Pitch’ tent which is very comfortable with a double mattress, duvets and pillows – and we managed a seafood BBQ with unusually-fresh food from a Looe fishmonger. I thought after Brexit there would be more seafood in the UK, but it’s still hard to find. And there’s nothing like the aroma of sizzling bacon outside in the morning.
From Probus we stayed at a brilliant harbour-front-view hotel in Mevagissey, then camped in Falmouth and Looe, and a Travelodge on the way back. Looking forward to returning to Cornwall next month. Click to see a short video of our trip on my Personal Facebook Page.
Why don’t you too take a Cornish break (you only live once!), and visit us on Sunday 1st August at our Cornish Bead Fair in Wadebridge. Book hotels early – but there’s still loads available. Travel Lodge’s are the best deal on the way down – or leave very early in the morning.
Peridot: The Cooling Gemstone For August

Just the name Peridot sounds summer cooling, and its vivid, shimmering aqua-green colour is the ideal gemstone to complement a light summertime outfit.
Peridot goes well with any light colour, blending subtly to add interest to a design.
Peridot (pronounced pair-a-doe) is the gem variety of olivine, a mineral formed under intense heat. Perhaps named from the French word Peridot, meaning unclear, due to its inclusions and cloudy nature.

Small crystals of peridot are often found in rocks by volcanoes and in meteors. Because the iron which creates the colour is an integral part of its structure, its colour is always green – ranging from transparent lime to olive green. One of the few gemstones with only one colour.
Peridot has been mined as a gemstone for thousands of years, said to be the favourite gem of Cleopatra, and mentioned in the Bible. In ancient Egypt it was mined at night because legend tells that peridot was hard to see during the day.
Peridot has been confused with emerald and many jewellers refer to it as “evening emerald”. Peridot was later used to decorate medieval churches, carried back to Europe by the Crusaders, like the huge stones of more than 200 carats in size at Cologne Cathedral.

The gemstone is sometimes called Chrysolith (from the Greek word Goldstone and Olivin), because Peridot is the gemstone variety of the Olivin mineral. In the gemstone trade it’s generally called Peridot – a name derived from the Greek Peridona, meaning ‘giving plenty’.

Peridot is recommended for insomnia, digestive problems and to stimulate the mind. Some say it can repel evil spirits, intensified when the stone is set in gold. And it’s also said to strengthen the power of any medicine drunk from peridot goblets. Peridot is for people with the star sign of Leo.
Click To See Our Peridot Beads
Peridot & Pearl Necklace

Peridot & pearl so so well together – teardrops of the moon goddess! This necklace is to inspire what can be done using a combination of different stones.
Blue pearls with vivid green peridot make a striking fresh combination to cool you from the summer heat.
Clusters of pale-blue 7mm rice pearls are wrapped with 4mm peridot beads producing this 16″ -18″ long necklace with a lobster clasp.
To see all or Peridot Beads
Carnelian – Another Gemstone For August

This flesh-coloured stone comes from the quartz family, and is usually bright orange to reddish orange, translucent to clear. However, it can be other colours like green or yellow.

Carnelian has many ancient beliefs, like protection during travel after death and against evil. It’s also said to calm bad tempers!
The name comes from the Latin word “Carnis” meaning flesh. The Roman thought that the darker Carnelian represented males and the lighter, females. Many believe that it creates a bond with man and nature.

Carnelian is for confidence. Thought to help blood disorders and remove toxins. Carnelian is in tune with the energies of the Earth. Making you feel comfortable with your environment, able to pause and reflect, and feeling secure.
Carnelian stimulates the reproductive organs too; hence its long use as a fertility symbol. It’s also said to help creativity and have a clearing effect, replacing negative energy with positive. Making it easier to find direction and feel in control of your life.

A good stone for people starting new projects or who feel they are going nowhere. It motivates, allowing you to find the energy to make the most out of life. Carnelian is best for people with the zodiac sign of Leo, and for those born on a Friday.
Click To See Our Carnelian Beads
The combination of royal blue and flakes of gold has made lapis very popular right now. Its quality speaks for itself making it easy for you to sell. And everyone expects jewellery made from the gemstone to be expensive, giving you an edge on price.
Lapis Lazuli is a gemstone straight out of fairy tales of the Arabian Nights: deepest blue with golden shining pyrite inclusions which twinkle like little stars.
Named after Lapis, the Latin word for stone, and the Arabian for blue. Thousands of years before Christ, Egyptian and Persian royalty wore lapis as a talisman to deter danger.
In other cultures it was worshipped as a holy stone and thought to have magical power in oriental countries. Many believe the Biblical sapphire was actually lapis lazuli. Through the ages, lapis has been associated with power, wisdom, love, and a psychic stimulant.
In the art world it’s famous for the ultramarine blue paint used by the Grand Old Masters, like on portraits of the Virgin Mary. While other compositions have long since paled, lapis has lost nothing of its brilliance.
Lapis is mined in the remote mountains of Afghanistan, the best stones being deep and intensive blue with finely distributed golden crystals. The twinkling inclusions are not gold but pyrite, caused by iron. The blue colour comes from the sulfuric content of lazurite, and looks dull until polished.
Lapis is a soft stone that should be treated gently while polishing. Unpolished, the dark blue looks dull with golden inclusions and whitish veins from marble. However, a Lapis which has dulled after being worn too often is easily polished, and jewellery is often surface sealed with wax or resin.
For many people lapis is a stone of truth and friendship. Bringing harmony to relationships and helping its wearer openly state their individual opinion. While aiding inner vision, wisdom, insight and good judgment. It’s also said to be good for treating thyroid problems and helping to get in touch with our inner selves. A powerful gemstone that should not be worn by those who lack strength of character.
Click to see our 30 different shapes of Lapis Lazuli Beads
Bead Fairs Confirmed On
Please come to visit us and see our beads ‘in the flesh’! Fairs are now allowed at half capacity and more after ‘Freedom Day’. However, even then, shows will be socially distanced with windows open for your safety.
Sunday 18th July 11am-4pm: Norwich Bead Fair, The George Best Western Hotel, Norwich NR2 2DA.
Weekend 24th-25th July 10am-4pm: Kempton Park Gem n Bead Fair, London TW16 5AQ.
Sunday 1st August 11am-4pm: Cornish Bead Fair Wadebridge, The John Betjeman Centre, Southern Way, Wadebridge PL27 7BX.
Saturday 14th August 11am-4pm: Berwick-Upon-Tweed Bead Fair, Ancroft Village Hall, Ancroft, Northumberland TD15 2TL.
Sunday 15th August 11am-4pm: Scottish Bead Fair, The Royal George Hotel, Tay Street, Perth
PH1 5LD.
Weekend 21st-22nd August: Harrogate Gem n Bead Fair, Pavillions of Harrogate, Great Yorkshire Showground, HG2 8NZ
Full List of All 19 Bead Fairs Booked So Far at: Bead Beads 2021
15% Off All From MrBead
Enjoy the new shop with 15% off anything with no minimum order. This is £15 off £100 worth of beads – the more you spend: the more you save! Only once per customer.
Shipping is free too on UK orders over £30 – under this UK P&P is just £2.50. International shipping from £5.
Can only be used at the NEW shop & not with any other coupon. To get the discount Key LAPIS at checkout now, as offer ends Friday 23rd July 2021. Use at